Contact us
New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT
Telephone – 01798 831370
General enquiries – office@amberleymuseum.co.uk
Advertising, Filming or PR
Please contact the marketing department marketing@amberleymuseum.co.uk
Please contact the events team events@amberleymuseum.co.uk
Please contact the Learning Officer learning@amberleymuseum.co.uk
We welcome comments from visitors. If you would like to tell us about your visit, whether you had a great time or if there was something that you weren’t quite happy with, please contact our Visitor Experience Manager via office@amberleymuseum.co.uk
If you have something you would like to possibly donate to the Museum, please contact the Museum curator curator@amberleymuseum.co.uk
Please send us details and images of the possible donation. Our curator will then be able to check our collection to see if it is of relevance to the Museum. We appreciate all donations but cannot always accept everything. In these circumstances, if possible, we will suggest an alternative Museum/collection. We thank you for thinking of Amberley Museum and value your support.
Registered charity number – 278722
A Non-Profit Making Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England & Wales No 1402483